Welkom op mijn blog!

Hier deel ik inspiratie, levenslessen en schrijfsels van mijn pad. Puur met de intentie om te delen, te inspireren en misschien jou ook wat te brengen door mijn eigen process. Ik schrijf in het Engels, omdat dit mij ligt en ik mijn stukken leesbaar wil maken voor een groter publiek.

Ik hoop dat het je mag inspireren!

Fear of judgement & rejection and my own judgement & critics
Liza Hokke Liza Hokke

Fear of judgement & rejection and my own judgement & critics

“When I was asked what I do with my own business I felt shy, the usual shrinking feeling and an awkwardness. I notice I struggle to share about my work when people (outside of the spiritual bubble) ask me what I do with my own business, and I feel ashamed to admit it, cause I should proudly tell what I do with HeartSpace, right!?…

It touches upon a bigger theme, the one of sharing who you are, standing for who you are and what you believe in. Sharing your truth and standing in your truth. Because it is scary, to share something so close to you.

It is scary, it is vulnerable. Emotionally, culturally and historically it has not always been safe to speak up. We can logically think it is safe, but our minds & bodies tell us otherwise.”

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