Growth isn’t just for you!
Growing is not just for you!
Growing is not about reaching that one specific goal you had in mind. It is about learning constantly where life is guiding you and allowing life to happen without getting in the way. Ultimately growth is for the benefit of the whole of creation and not just for you. By your growth, all else prospers. See where the flowers grow? How beautiful and abundant that is, not just to the eye, but for insects to feed… Nothing in the universe serves only itself by being in its natural place and power.
Personally I can sometimes act from a place of ‘who am I’ to know/do/say/offer this. I often make myself small and judge other people for standing out, speaking their truth. I expect them to have the same thoughts about me. So I do not allow myself to shine, this way I get in the way of my own growth. But like I said above, we don’t just grow for ‘our own sake’, we grow so the whole world can flourish and somehow our beliefs have convinced us that that is arrogant, or selvish, or dangerous.
But truly letting life direct us to where we are meant to grow is not selfish but a necessity. IT IS A NECESSITY for all life to flourish! And not allowing ourselves to grow into our natural direction is actually the most selfish thing to do as we rob the world of beautiful flowers!! Not sharing our gift is a waste, so why do we keep hiding? Why do we play small?
What does it still serve to do so?
What belief systems, what people, what fears are served by not standing in that light that we are?
The past weekend I received an initiation to being a Sahumadora, to work with the sacred smoke and herbs nature offers. It is woman's work, working with the womb, it is powerful work, working with the inner fire. I saw clearly my shadows I have been seeing into the last few months and could see how I hold myself back from sharing my own inner fire, wisdom and intuition and how it does not serve any more purpose, goal or person. It is not mine, I let go, cut and released.
Working with the smoke clears you of places where other things cannot touch, it seems subtle yet it is profound and I am curious to what blessings this instrument will unfold on my path. Clearing out the way for growth and blessing every step I take. I let go of playing small.
For me and all my relations.